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Author: GradBoy Subject: Know yourself continued2...
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 22:43 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Know yourself continued2...

I knew it would be easy for you to accept.. that's why you went across that forum to see what other professionals{!} say.. to make yourself relaxed.

Liz25, for that forum I ment, some people are exploring their private life/intercourses too much in detail. Of course it pleases all others, but I wouldn't let my life tell what we do in bed.. I hope you understand me now.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 22:47 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
i asked

It was me that asked you.

Liz25, I noticed that post just before you qouted but what I always remembered was the one about hairy palms.

I wonder if admin will get ticked aff about all the posts?
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 22:47 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I think you just keep side-stepping the real issues...

Right, I think he believes 'hair grows on the palms' also....
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 22:50 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
lost the track

so what do you all say? I'm sorry I couldn't follow, there is friend online from NY, was asking about the sound stuff, now that I'm free, alright, where we are.. let me see
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 22:54 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I think posting long doom-ridden info over the internet for poor impressionable young people to see, is FAR worst than a few christians who are discussing tips to improve their sex lives. Plus I think this kind of site would convert far more non-believers into christianity than some of the typical close-minded christian sites out there that make chrisianity seem really constricting and controling. ...since you have the views you do..of course, YOU would never even view a site like that anyway.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 23:04 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
so what do you all say?

so what do you all say?
Say about waht the article you posted was total bunk and included no scientific fact.

And what is{!} anyway. Are you trying to make a If so you need to put a space before and after it.

I wouldn't let my life tell what we do in bed..
I just want to let you know that at some point when you do get married, It will get out. Women don't tend to be as stand offish about discussing sexual matters as you are. That is unless you marry a social recluse.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 23:09 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
palm hair

Liz25 and 22Guy,

I don't believe anything said here or there.. I don't even believe any harms or any benefits that science say of anything at all. I'm little skeptical about the scientific facts. I follow that's what's really -almost-certain.
Again, science is a kid, groving, falling, standing, learning.. in short, makes his evolution.. slow or fast another topic. But, the important thing is that we shouldn't really base our-lives on what today's authority say on controversial issues. For instance,
Aether was believed to exist centuries ago, then Michelson/Maury showed that there actually no need for aether to exist with their famous experiment.. centuries past, then we see again that there actually might be aether..
Yet another most mentioned stuff OrthoEvra.. tired of mentioning it over and over..


1. M is unnecessary, could be harmful and is in many ways.
2. There are some private issues such as intercourse with your life-partner which -unless necessary-should not be revealed publicly. Agree??
3. Performing M, or abstaining from it, it's totally your choice. Your own religious view or your own accepted moral value.. So, if you don't find it unnatural and not conflicting with your conscience, then there is nothing that could stop you..

Now, let's chage the topic will you? Anything after this, will hurt personality; and I don't have any intention to humiliate any of you.

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posted on 03-02-2006 at 23:17 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Do your worst

Anything after this, will hurt personality; and I don't have any intention to humiliate any of you
Trust me you will not boher me in the least. (Liz might track you down and strangle you for outdated beliefs but it takes a lot to get under my skin). I would be glad to see what you can think of to post next. No offense but I happen to be one of those people that is not ashamed to talk openly about most anything and I don't mind a debate.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 23:19 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Divorce judge..

3 years ago, when I came here, I spent time watching local TV-shows. One of the most disgusting programs was on divorce.. I don't remember exact name, but basicly a broken familiy comes infront of judge and argue all private stuff.. he did this this this to me, he cheated on me... the other says, I'm not the father of the baby.. and so on.. and besides audience all america was watching them; do you thing it is totally alright to bring this kind of issues to public? I really want to know your answer on it.
Think this, you lived 5-10 years of happy and beautiful marriage with love, passion and all best feelings towards each other.. then something happens and you get divorced, that's fine too, but now, by bringing all stuff that would definitely hurt you, your baby your future family, to public.. which will erase that 5-10year beautiful remembrance too.. Basically, I see no intelligence in there.. how about you? what do you think?
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 23:34 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

So your afraid that being honest with some one will give them something to use against you? Thats why you take the time to get to know some one before you marry them. Anyway, the court shows that you describe pick those particular cases to be provocative. Thats what makes people watch.

I believe that by the time you are ready to marry some one you should trust them enough to tell them anything. Otherwise you shouldn't marry them. Also a study of virgin marriage showed 90% success of the marriage over the long term. What causes divorce in most cases is a lack of communication (SECRETS).

As far as openess is concerned, if you might be embarissed by it you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. Even if you don't tell anyone you have to assume theres a way some one will find out.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 23:39 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
not what I meant

You don't undertand what I mean..

It's nothing to do with me.. there are public judges and secret ones.. but those guys prefer public ones, why??
Does that make them happy, to see life-meant-friend-partner failure? Does it give pleasure to make whole world watch you hate each other?
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 23:48 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Does it give pleasure to make whole world watch you hate each other?
Its not the fact that they want to show how much they hate each other. Its the fact that they can get on TV. Also, some of those court shows offer incentives to appear. Some pay court costs for both parties, others pay both parties something just to appear.

If you're looking for general descusion like this you may want to check with another type of forum and find an area that interests you. I'm glad to talk but this forum is realy meant for sexuality and abstanenc discussion. I don't think anyone minds too much though.
Sorry thats a message board give me a sec and Ill find the message board or forum.
Heres one that seems good. I haven't checked it too deeply though.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 23:59 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
GradBoy goes back to his study; goodbye!

No, I have no time to spend on other forum or groups. I promised to show some evidences and I did. Whether you like it or not.
Anyway, if you don't want me here, I understand.. and I'm sorry that I don't speak much on sexuality; non-sexual topics are not interesting, aren't they?

Thanks again for great hospitality,
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 00:03 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Don't have to leave

Its not bad to have other thing on the forum. Its even been mentioned to have a general discussions area. You'll just have to pesture the admin about it. I'm just saying you may find something YOU are more interested in and there are more people on those forums anyway.

Not everyone is obsessed with sex. I stick around here to try to help people when they need it as I have been through the full gambit of emotions hen it comes to remaining abstinent and have done a great deal of research.
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 00:18 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Well I guess I have once again chased off gradboy. I admit his total faith in misguided information was annoying to say the least and it does worry me that he believes it so strongly that he wants to distribute it to youngsters but still I was hoping maybe he could learn. At least it was nice to have the forum active for a change (even if we did fill up 2 1/2 threads).
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 00:25 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Gossip is IMMORAL too..

Hey do not gossip, will you?

You confused little kid, oh sorry mr. incredible. Say thanks I didn't explore your personal complexity and internal conflicts.. Go do what you want.. and at the same time read your bible and go to church.

You didn't chase me, ok? You actually filled your brain with sex only, and don't enjoy any other topic. I actually always wondered if you make everyday plan at what time to jerk off.. morning, afternoon, evening, maybe whenever you go to toilet? Lot's of questions.. Further, you proved my theory on concession. Concession gives birth to concession! You performing masturbation which is immoral, led and opened door to yet another immoral: the gossip.. go ahead let see what comes next.

Live your life little,
and stop gossip.
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 00:34 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Now we start back with the attacks

How is it gossip when the person is in hearing distance (You always seem to come back no matter how dissatisfied you are by the answers you recieve). Besides, I only restated what I had previously and affirmed what Liz25 said. Your information is wrong and it is dangerous for you to spread such information. You have the nerve to call some one else a child when you insist on lashing out at others when you don't get your way?
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 00:37 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
so funny

hahahaaa so funny, it seems your information is very valuable to humanity, and it will save the worlds.. hey listen up, be careful not to die masturbating, as Freud did, you know people won't think good behind you.
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 01:04 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
More attacks

You actually filled your brain with sex only, and don't enjoy any other topic.
You failed to read my original post. I dont mind discussing other subject but this forum was meant for those seeking advice and there is no general descussion section yet. I also wanted to let you know that there are better forums for such discussion with more people that are interested in such things. I don't mind discussing such things but there are more people that will discuss them on those forums.

it seems your information is very valuable to humanity, and it will save the worlds.
No but at least it will save a few people from living a life of ignorance, fear, and regret.

hey listen up, be careful not to die masturbating, as Freud did, you know people won't think good behind you
I'll keep that in mind but considering Masturbation is healthy and I am in good shape I'm sure I won't need it. Anyway, what does it matter what others think. I'm secure with myself. Besides once your dead it doesn't matter what anyone thinks about you. Its not like your around anymore to find out.
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 03:30 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
I'm sorry

I'm sorry if my previous posts have offended you in some way. The post that seems to have offended you the most I kind of actualy meant as an apology as I felt that I had in some way caused you to leave. I never meant anything I said to be offensive and I didn't mean it as gossip either. I assumed you would be back and were only gone for the night. I was hoping that maybe you could realize from what I said that the research you seem to have so much faith in could be incorrect. The only time that we stop learning is when We're dead. Never assume that you know everything on a subject and be open to criticism.

I don't understand your need for conflict. Instead of having an intelligent coonversation you seem to always include hostility in your language.
I knew it would be easy for you to accept.. that's why you went across that forum to see what other professionals{!} say.. to make yourself relaxed.
Anything after this, will hurt personality; and I don't have any intention to humiliate any of you.
Well I think not.. sorry but you haven't made enough researches.. by reading only one article is never enough
someone who never ever bothered to come close to such horrible, discussing and yet nasty stuff..
youngs reading those above misleading posts
life is yours, wasting it or not it's totally your decision

I tire of listing them all but there are more. Just because someone has a different view point from you that doesn't mean that you should have hostility towards them.

Whats worse is you resort to down right flaming before you even give a person a chance.
Congratulations, you read a single article in your life and proved a very valuable [!] act.. so it seems helpful on you huh?

I hope that one day you can get past this need for conflict and become a truly contributing member of the forum. I still welcome you here but please keep the hostility to yourself. I still have no real quarel with you and would be glad to have a civil conversation with you if you can only learn to do that. I'm sorry that I have not made my previous posts blatantly obvious so that there is no way to missinterpret them but I am still adjusting to a completely writen form of communication. I'm accustomed to body language and facial expressions.
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 08:36 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Responses from themarriagebed

Here are the other responses from "the marriage bed" They realized right away that this information was advertisment to make money. The people who wrote this or made the site probably don't even believe it. They just want the money. Here's more responses...

"Hun, if that were true, I'd be dead, locked up in prison or the looney bin a long, long time ago" Automn Rose

"It looks as though this is a huckster who will use common health problems, link them to a behavior that lots of men do, and then say that they can be cured with his supplements.
Nothing to do with science -- everything to do with $$$$." Mamato4547

"Well - if all this is true, then everyone should obstain from sex too! And don't look at your nude spouse, because then you'll lose your memory (is this where Alzheimers's comes from?).
Seriously, not a single effect mentioned here would be unique to solo premarital masturbation, and would effect couples who have intercourse to orgasm or engage in mutual masturbation, see each other nude etc.
I'm happy to hear pro- con- arguments about masturbation, but this kind of stuff (which can be shot down with a little logical extrapolation), doesn't help out at all." MCPA

"The problem here is with the science that is used. Science, like bible interpretation can be used to prove what ever you want.
The problem is that this makes for ad science!
The studies that are cited here, if you take the time to look them up, are awful, flawed studies and were debunked long ago.
Just because someone quotes a study doesn't mean that it proves anything anymore than quoting a random bible verse supports anything. The study must be well done and non-biased." Dr.Mom

"But wouldn't it be better to teach kids how to handle correctly the overwheming sexual urges they will encounter instead of spooking them into believing that masturbating automatically leads to sexual perversions? Why can't we teach them that God created their sexuality, that the fullest expression of His gift is within marriage, but that until that point there are ways to rightfully deal with their sex drives without straying into sinful territory?" Dale

Gradboy will ignore all of this information I assume... I honestly can't believe how blinded some people are!!!! I think 'deep down' he knows he is wrong, but once you've been believing something for so long its..1) hard to admit you were wrong, and 2) Doesn't want to appear foolish or ignorant, so would rather stay stubborn than admit his errors. 3) Some people are drawn more to negativity. The 'planned Parenthood article was done in 1998- and is non-biased and empirical, his info was done in the 40's and has long been proven wronge, not to mention it's used for a scam.

And how interesting that he never answered the question of "why married people who have 'active sex lives' are not suffering from all these ailments since your body goes through the same biological functions as masturbation???? The reason he hasn't answered this question is because there is no explanation. He just ignores any evidence that could refute his info. He does what's called 'circular reasoning'..... Ignores anything that is accurate and keeps coming back to the same old lies.....

Plus, the "marriagebed' site is not just a group of people talking about sex, they are discussing important and helpful topics. There are threads on "what to expect before you get terms of sex" I find this interesting because it's important to be 'prepared' There are also threads, on Pornography and sexual problems... also it's nice that they are helping each other's like a community of christians that can share creative sex ideas that they probably can't do in real where in the bible does it say "Thou shall not utter sex with others...haha, so why impose rules onto a group of people...that is called 'legalism'.

"Congratulations, you read a single article in your life and proved a very valuable [!] act.. so it seems helpful on you huh"

I find this particularly funny now, since isn't gradboy himself reading only ONE article (outdated at that) and thinking it is VERY valuable in spite of all the hundreds of more recent scientific evidence that long disputed this?? You'd think someone would carefully look at all the info before coming to a decision, instead of reading one false article and ignoring everything else!

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posted on 03-03-2006 at 09:17 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Another fake site

guyvirgin22..have you checked out the other fake site I's really funny. It's similar to Gradboy's info. It's called the "vagina Institute" They target young, insecure girls. They are masking as professional medical center, but when you look at the site, you realize it's a money making business.

Labiaplasty is becoming more and more popular now. As you know, women have different sized labia-"some protrude past the outer vaginal lips (which is normal and common for most women.) but the porn industry and other fake sites will try and get girls to dish out tons of money to have surgery to actually shorten their labia or remove part of their labia.

My sister accidently found this site and believed it, and wanted to get the surgery.
They make all kinds of false claim about how 97% of guys like a 'certain type' of vagina appearance...They give negative and depressing facts that can only be remedied with tons of $$$$$. Gradboys info was along similar lines. Pay money to buy these supplements and you will be cured...All money making businesses they hope people will buy into

Then I came across a discussion board where a women saw the info in that site and almost got surgery until people convinced her it was fake. So people, be careful of depressing and doom- filled information...usually it is fake! actually started accepting my vulva & started thinking it's "pretty" until i read this.

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posted on 03-03-2006 at 10:42 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Importance of Stretching

For any women who are waiting for is the importance of 'stretching' the vagina area before marriage to lessen the pain...taken from 'the marriage bed'- also proves how helpful the site is......

"I will be getting married in 9.5 weeks and I have been using dilators to strech for about two months now.
I read "sheet music" where I first heard about dilators for streching and I also read about the usefullness of streching on this site.
I am sooo soo soo thankful for this information. A friend of mine just recently got married and had no idea it would hurt her the first time she had sex. She had pain for quite a while and they both found it quite difficult.
I just feel so fortunate to have this information and the tools to help make our first time more enjoyable and less painful!!!
My fhusband and I have communicated quite a bit about this and both feel very confident that it is a helpful thing to do to help us feel more comfortable and focus on the more enjoyable things when we have sex for the first time on our weding night.
I say all these things for all of you who are thinking about the possibility of streching before you have sexual intercourse for the first time. Although I cannot say that I have streched and then had sex and felt no pain.....I am in the process of streching and preparing for our first time together and it has given me comfort and confidence that I am doing all that I can to make things easier for both myself and my fh. I would encourage anyone who is preparing for marriage and is engaged to seriously consider the idea of streching!!! "

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posted on 03-03-2006 at 14:17 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator


All of the information you provided are nothing but non-sense and useless. Those responses are immature and totally ignorant.

Infact, I didn't go further to explore 11th argument on how harmful M is, which supposed to be the peak.
Anyway, It seems you are very into this M, aren't you That's why you are scared so much.. Nevermind, that's ok, you have still chance to stop performing M before you lose all of your memory..oh I'm sorry, I forgot you don't use pornography, do you? I guess you use only imaginations.. you with your prospective husband; the imaginary intercourse.. sounds weird.. do you who that guy is? I dunno what to say.. I think you should stop.. or you will have so many troubles of memorizing things..forget all what you know about M, just go ahead and test yourself, follow the instruction; sit down have your clock ready and memorize a poem from book and count the time, then abstain from masturbation for say 40 days, then try to memorize the same amount from the same book.. see the difference!!!!
As for the stretching is concerned.. yooo that's funniest and silliest thing I've ever heard..
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 14:31 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Now that I see 22Guy online.. let's talk a bit.

First of all, who are you to welcome me to this forum, are you admin or sponsor or what?
Second, you've got unanswered questions above. I asked you about your daily plan; so do you make any plans as to when to jerk off, morning, afternoon, evening or anytime you use toilet? Let me guess, you wouldn't choose afternoon, right? Cuz, after that stuff you have to take a shower to get clean up.. or no? or maybe you prefer to walk around stinky? if so wyuk.. I advice you use a deodarant or strong perfume, like French one. I am also curious about how you do that in toilet, do you ruin/spread all around? You know, since I've been in this forum I can't use any public toilet, it just disgusting.. and I bought laundry: washer and drier for my apartment and literally stopped using public facility.
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 15:15 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I find this particularly funny now, since isn't gradboy himself reading only ONE article (outdated at that) and thinking it is VERY valuable in spite of all the hundreds of more recent scientific evidence that long disputed this?? You'd think someone would carefully look at all the info before coming to a decision, instead of reading one false article and ignoring everything else!
I was thinking that myself when I posted the quote but I was trying to be nice. I guess thats just another one of those evil Christian ideals that causes me to "Live your life little" as Gradboy puts it.

That site is rather disgusting. I personaly find most plastic surgery to be a bad idea (excluding medical conditions of course, cleft pallette etc.). Those little imperfections are what makes a woman beautiful! There's no need to correct them.

About stretching. One of my biggest fears has been the pain associated with a woman's first time. I do not like to even see anyone in pain much less be the cause of it. I want the first time to be special for my wife not something she will remember with dread.

One of poor Gradboys posts (maybe we do pick on him too much).
I'm sorry, I forgot you don't use pornography, do you? I guess you use only imaginations.. you with your prospective husband; the imaginary intercourse.. sounds weird.. do you who that guy is?
I tell you what liz. if we're both still sinful unmarried masturbating virgins by the time one of us turns 30, (not sure how old you are, guessing 25) I'll marry you. So you can fantasize about me. ok. How's that sound to you gradboy?

If you want a really missguided website heres one. Just read a few of the articles they list. One of them talks about how evil tampons are and describes them as the devils fingers.
I hope the site is a joke but I'm not sure.

First of all, who are you to welcome me to this forum, are you admin or sponsor or what?
Still feeling a bit hostile today are we? Even so, I will answer your question. The reason I said that is because the way that you word some of your posts it seems like you feel that someone is trying to run you away from this forum and that is simply not the case. Although, I (and I assume some others) would prefer you to drop this moraly and intellectualy superior attitude that you seem to have developed, that is completely up to you.

so do you make any plans as to when to jerk off
Considering the answer to this single question is no the rest are invalid. Toilets? I never said that public sexuality was justified. Now discussions are fine especially among close friends. I just tend to be more open than most but thats not the right path for everyone.

you will have so many troubles of memorizing things..forget all what you know about M, just go ahead and test yourself, follow the instruction; sit down have your clock ready and memorize a poem from book and count the time, then abstain from masturbation for say 40 days, then try to memorize the same amount from the same book.. see the difference!!!!
I'll have you know that I have performed similar tests when I was in high school. I would memorize entire poems (up to 2 pages long) on the 30 min bus ride to my school and have no problem recalling them for the rest of the week. I actually prefered this to studying. Now the studies that showed a memory loss after masturbation studied the short term effect. These effects should not last more than 30min-2 hours according to personal fitness levels. The exact same effect can be achieved from strenuous exercise and oxygen deprivation. Attempt to run until you can no longer stand then try to do the same tests. You will find it almost impossible. However, even these effects can be overcome with the right concentration and mental awareness.

Now since you are back let me state something.
Further, you proved my theory on concession. Concession gives birth to concession!
This statement is so fundamentally wrong. By this same logic I could say that because you feel it is moral for you to attack and be hostile to others verbally, you will be an abusive husband and father. I could also say that you will one day be a sociopath and go around killing those around you that you feel are moraly inferior to yourself.
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 15:28 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Since you are so afraid of sexuality here are some statistic that you may find interesting. Ill just quote the whole thing.
Taken from

Fun with statistics

During an hour's swimming at a municipal pool you will ingest 1/12 liter of urine.

In an average day your hands will have come into indirect contact with 15 penises (touching door handles, etc.)

Remote controls in hotels are the worst! (Always carry your Lysol spray!)

An average person's yearly fast food intake will contain 12 pubic hairs.

In a year you will have swallowed 14 insects -- while you slept!

Annually you will shake hands with 6 women who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands.

Annually you will shake hands with 11 men who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands.

In a lifetime 22 nosey workmen doing work in your home, will have examined the contents of your dirty laundry basket. We won't even go into guests snooping in your medicine cabinet.

At an average wedding reception you have a 1/100 chance of getting a cold sore from one of the guests. Mouth herpes.

Daily you will breathe in 1 liter of other peoples' anal gases.


Author Unknown
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 20:29 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Oh man....

I almost killed myself laughing...I must admit this site has provided great amusement these last few days. I don't know what's funnier...the info and stats 22virginguy posted or Gradboys persistent..."You're going to lose your memory warnings" It's getting to be really hilarious.. (I'm still laughing over my "marriagebed" experiment-- it's gone on for two pages now....check-out the other replies!!!!!) Here's the thread about stretching if you're curious-

I also have a personal story of masturbation and memory. But before I get into it...
"then abstain from masturbation for say 40 days, then try to memorize the same amount from the same book.. see the difference!!!!"

How can you 'see the difference' if you don't masturbate? How would you know one way or the other? Is your conscious or psyche telling you!!!!!!!

Now for my story: When I'm studying for a test and especially when I'm stressed out and finding it hard to concentrate for an exam, masturbating will help me relax and then five minutes later, I'll have BETTER concentration....Then, I seem to get an 'A' on the test. When I don't masturbate I'll often perform worst!! I think when you have a lot of pent-up energy, masturbating..or even exercising can help you recharge and refocus...It's kind of similar to the idea of 'the less physical exercise you get, the more lazy you feel" The same feel-good endorphines released during exercise are released during Masturbation as well which gives you a sense of 'calm'
Also, I was reading that the release of emotions have the same biological function as the release of an orgasm (laughing, crying...even sneezing) So are we to hold in our emotions?? Will laughing cause some kind of harm to the body?? Because it's not 'sexual' gradboy will say it doesnt. Some people have such an inbred disgust over sex, that they will use any negativity they can and connect it to sex.
Gradboy, I honestly feel sorry for your future wife and kids....First you WONT allow your wife 'stretching exercises' which will produce more pain during first intercourse. Then you'll have sex once a year (to get it over with)...because you wouldn't want to deplete your energy, and lose all your memory now would you??? (I hope for your wife's sake that she has a low sex drive.)
Then you'll teach your kids 'false information' and have them petrified of their own body and their 'god-given' sexuality as being something evil and immoral.... I mean can you imagine being an 8 year old kid and think your going to go blind if you touch yourself??? That is just soooo wronge!!

Also, funny enough, hearing Gradboy's ridiculous, melodramatic rantings has actually made me feel better about masturbating.
He just sounds so ridiculous and funny that it only confirms how NORMAL masturbating really is. Seriously.... I'd rather masturbate and feel positive, confident and good about my sexuality because then this will carry- over into other areas's of my life. Sex starts in the mind, and if more people wern't brainwashed from strict religious up-bringings, there wouldn't be so many people with sexual problems/dysfunctions later in life. I think some people go there whole life, never discovering their true sexual potential....

Where's Melvaugh?? She was providing some good info, since she was quoting out of University textbooks!!! I think I really want to take a course on Human Sexuality now!
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 21:33 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Here I am.

Since 22Guy is little confused, I bypass him.. actually he made himself imaginary "vibrator" for Liz25, of course if she knows what that means..


By closing your eyes you will turn luminousity into darkness just for yourself. I assure you there is whole world who find M immoral and don't perform it, irregardless of any scientific evidence on it. Well.. "5% are liars.." that's nonsense.

Your mind is very active toward something you do frequently, and build internal blocks sort of feedbacks supporting M; so psycologically trying to lie yourself.. that what's hilarious..

You don't read carefully or have lack of undertanding.. I said anykind of MUTUAL intercourse under marriage is naturally fine, moral, and has blessing outcomes.. So, it's meaningless to critisize me being married and behave like asocial.. that's ridiculous. And I am socially very active, believe or not!


I never heard any case where a new married wife dies of just because of sex.. Of course there is pain in pleasure. But that doesn't last for long as so many studies say.
As for the test, I told you over and over to know whether poison is harmful, you don't have to drink it!
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 21:51 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Today I have experienced a strange emotional erosion.. While I was driving back home, on the right sholder which was ending soon, there was a car signaling to left, but cars ahead of me didn't let him go through.. then I slowed down and made him pass over. At the same time, car behind me hit the horn, though he also saw the situation.. right at that time I intended to raise my right hand to show finger to somebody ever first in my life (who actually couldn't even harm me), then I realised it was totally rude, immoral and unnecessary, and avoided doing it. But it was actually an emotional degradation.. but I couldn't figure out what made me think to do it..
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 21:51 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I almost killed myself laughing...I must admit this site has provided great amusement these last few days. I don't know what's funnier...the info and stats 22virginguy posted or Gradboys persistent..."You're going to lose your memory warnings" It's getting to be really hilarious.. (I'm still laughing over my "marriagebed" experiment-- it's gone on for two pages now....check-out the other replies!!!!!)
I know I have almost completely given up any hope of intellegent conversation taking place here so I may as well have some fun with it. Just imagine what I went through post it. I laughed so hard I almost prematurly ejaculated. I must masturbate too much. (I need to stop. Im having to much fun.),
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 22:00 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I'm really shocked,
so f**king yourself is too funny, huh.. that's interesting.

I'm just curious, do you also perform oral or anal on yourself ?
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 22:09 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Hmm ideas!!!!

I'm really shocked,
so f**king yourself is too funny, huh.. that's interesting.

I'm just curious, do you also perform oral or anal on yourself ?

MUST....FIND......NEW......WAYS......TO.....MASTURBATE!!!!!!! Ugh. I think I hurt myself.

Man the cut downs are getting pretty weak. They must have masturbated too much.
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 22:16 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Hey Liz25
Your mind is very active toward something you do frequently, and build internal blocks sort of feedbacks
You don't read carefully or have lack of undertanding..
Kind of sounds like someone else we know in this forum doesn't it?

Of course there is pain in pleasure.
Now I feel sorry for his future wife. He's into bondage.
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 22:23 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Hey you shouldn't be here, you are supposed to vibrate Liz25, look she is having hard time.. go help her..
You know, you are lucky.. whenever you thirsty it's not a problem for you; oral on yourself would help.... but as you said, you need little practice, that's fine. GoodLuck little..

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posted on 03-03-2006 at 22:31 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Glad I finally have your approval. Guess I may as well go find Liz since she needs help.
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posted on 03-03-2006 at 22:39 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
think before you do

Yes It's an approval for MUTUAL!! It means marriage.. Liz25 wouldn't let you stimulate her unless you get married with her. So, think deeply before you step
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posted on 03-04-2006 at 15:21 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Glad I finally have your approval. Guess I may as well go find Liz since she needs help.
I hope you realize I was kidding. Someone needs to lighten the mood in here some. You are starting to get carried away and as Liz said you are getting more melodramatic.

Today I have experienced a strange emotional erosion.. While I was driving back home, on the right sholder which was ending soon, there was a car signaling to left, but cars ahead of me didn't let him go through.. then I slowed down and made him pass over. At the same time, car behind me hit the horn, though he also saw the situation.. right at that time I intended to raise my right hand to show finger to somebody ever first in my life (who actually couldn't even harm me), then I realised it was totally rude, immoral and unnecessary, and avoided doing it. But it was actually an emotional degradation.. but I couldn't figure out what made me think to do it..
The more you dwell on things the more this will happen to you. It is natural for anyone to get angry from time to time. Its the actions you take when angry that really matter. I went through a phase just after my father left where I got angry rather easily. The best advice I can give you is just take a deep breath and as you release it release alll your anger and relax your body. If you don't find a way to relax and continue to dwell on things (I read your post before you edited it) it will become harder for you to control your anger and it will turn into down right rage.

I said anykind of MUTUAL intercourse under marriage is naturally fine, moral, and has blessing outcomes..
What you fail to realize is that with this admission, most of your other arguments tend to fall apart. Masturbation is only different from Mutual in the number of participents involved. The few arguments you made that don't fall apart with this statement don't even have an adequite standing anyway since they are buillt upon flawed logic. Its fine if you feel masturbation is immoral but you never really answered my question of what you feel is so immoral about masturbation itself.

That other forum is starting to get pretty good. I especially like the first 2 posts on the second page. That second one has got to be one of the best so far:
What does that mean about my balding pastor? What do you think my dad or grandfather would say if I asked him if he'd "choking the chicken" a lot lately?

Where's Melvaugh??
I think she saw how close minded Gradboy is and gave up.
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posted on 03-04-2006 at 16:12 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Still laughing!!- and yes the 'other thread' is still active...check out the latest replies!

You guys are too funny!!! 22yearguyvirgin, I think we are giving Gradboy dirty thoughts...he has used the word vibrator three times now in this thread How immoral!! I hope he doesn't lose his memory from those vile words.

I'm curious what he'll say about the difference of 'masturbation orgasms and coitus orgasms????' I guess all the symptoms, memory loss, balding will magically vanish when one gets married!!
Oh well, this thread should really die. Talking in here, and hearing Gradboy's responses is like going around and around in mindless circles. Gradboy doesn't really answer questions, he sidesteps them and repeats the same mantra!! i]I told you over and over to know whether poison is

(But I really don't think this forum is going to die until Gradboy gets the last word..haha.)
I think we should just let him 'have his say', pretend to believe him and then promise him we'll never masturbate again. Since he must really think we're going insane!!! Especially since he tends to take things literally..."hence, your above comments/joke"

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posted on 03-04-2006 at 22:58 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
new topics

Liz and 22G,

It's your personal and private life. It has nothing to do with me.. I don't critisize any of my friends what they do in private.. since you are my valued friends, I like you all! and want to talk much better and useful topics:
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