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posted on 07-15-2006 at 03:52 |
Shave or Not?
I am 17 Fem and will be attending an university next month. So far I have only been touched through my clothing. I will likely te touched from inside my clothes, NO! I do not plan anything else! I have been reading of girls shaving their pubic hair. My mom says that only prostitutes do that but at the showers in gym at school there were at least three girls who shaved. I do not want the fellow I share a bit of intimacy with to think that I am a beast with a lot of hair. My aunt gave me a ladie's cordless razor last Christmas and I have used it in my underarms and have trimmed around my swim suit. I just want to know if it is the current fashion to shave "there" I would like to hear from girls or from guys who have "been there"
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posted on 07-15-2006 at 14:16 |
definetly maybe you then again you know what some might say
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posted on 07-16-2006 at 08:20 |
i shave there cause it makes me feel cleaner, but its down to personal choice. Maybe you could try just triming it using your razor or going to a beautican to have a professional wax and they'll take off as much or little as you like and make it look neater.
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posted on 07-17-2006 at 19:40 |
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posted on 07-25-2006 at 17:53 |
Hello Im 16(male) and i have seen a few well as u call it "There"'s i have talked to my friends about this kinda stuff and it depends soem guys like women with hair and others do not.It does not matter to me personally it's what the girl wants to do. some times ive even heard of shaving causing pain and itching i don't want the girl to feel uncomfortble so its all up to her.
Hope I helped and good luck with your decision.
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Registered: 09-06-2006 Location:
posted on 09-06-2006 at 04:53 |
Hey Everyone, First post here, Im 26 and experienced. Its all a matter of choice. In this day in age I hear more men talking about wanting it shaved or neatly groomed as they feel its a turn-on and shows the woman cares for and pays attention to the nether regions. I myself choose shaven or neatly trimmed with maybe a small strip above the clitorus so if I were to "go down" Im not getting a mouthful of hair or tickling me causing me to stop the act Im performing to sneeze. You may not realize it but by doing this small action makes most men these days go nuts and really get turned on from it!! 
For men to do it also has a reaction from women from what I have been told by lady freinds and does wonders for the ego of the man doing so. For example, If the man is self consious about the size of his penis, He can trim it back or completely shave it and youd freak at how much bigger it looks, And if it looks bigger to you, Imagine what the woman you shaved it for thinks it looks like.
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posted on 09-08-2006 at 16:57 |
shave duh!!!
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Registered: 09-08-2006 Location:
posted on 09-08-2006 at 16:59 |
i mean like i don't mind seeing a fade on the pussy but it better be barber fresh :|
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Registered: 01-19-2007 Location: florida
posted on 01-19-2007 at 09:48 |
ofcourse u gotta shaved .... its better ... its clean ... i think its disgussting for a guy to lick a pussy with hair .. lol .. saem for gurls to give head with a hairy dick ... lmao .... so yeah ... u can tell that i shave .. and im a guy ..... all my close friends .. guys and gurls shaved .. :)
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posted on 03-10-2007 at 09:36 |
well i shave there and my boyfriend likes it a lot better.
but if you really dont want to then you don't have to
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posted on 03-19-2007 at 14:55 |
It's your choice.
I would have to say that it is a matter of personal choice. If you want to shave then it is your choice if you don't want to then you don't have to. Coming from someone that is experienced, I am a female and I think it is much cleaner, and you feel more fresh. So it is really up to you.
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posted on 04-05-2007 at 08:06 |
i shave my penis area
Shave it. It smells and looks better shaved.
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posted on 04-05-2007 at 08:10 |
Dont shave!
I've heard that people shave their private area to make oral sex cleaner.
This is the most disgusting thing (next to anal sex) that I've ever heard of!
Do you drink pee? Would you put your mouth on a urinal?
Then why would you put your mouth where someone pees?
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posted on 04-05-2007 at 08:23 |
My Balls....
Get shaved every other day.
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posted on 08-04-2007 at 01:08 |
I've been shaving for over 2 years, but I'm thinking about giving it up because I've been getting really nasty ingrowns... unless someone knows how to prevent them?? (I'm female if that makes a difference)
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Registered: 07-07-2007 Location: Greece
posted on 12-17-2007 at 07:35 |
Shaving is gross, it goes all prickly in a day or two. Waxing is much better for ladies; what guy wants his prick to be pricked after all? But I think it's a turn-on for a guy to have a hairy ****; even when you're going down on him.
Ooo, is that too naughty? 
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Registered: 07-20-2005 Location:
posted on 12-17-2007 at 18:53 |
When in high school gym class showers only a couple girls were shaved. I never did then but have a couple times in college but have allowed it to grow back. I still wonder what my first lover will expect. I do noy plan any oral just touching. (:)
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Registered: 07-07-2007 Location: Greece
posted on 12-18-2007 at 02:48 |
It's interesting, shaving/brazilians never used to be so popular a decade or so ago (in fact, I remember people being shocked at the sight/thought of hairless female genitals). All this hype is because of our modern culture's obsession with oral sex. As a result, something that only prostitutes used to ever do is now being done by young virgin brides in preparation for their wedding night.
If you're not going to engage in oral sex (i.e. consent to your man going down on you), what's the point of shaving/waxing your pubes, or doing anything to them besides a slight trim now and then? Just a question.
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posted on 12-18-2007 at 19:47 |
I think it looks much sexier, it is also cleaner. If the woman has a big bush the pubs can irritate you after a lot of bumping and grinding. It is just like why men like shaved legs. It is just a lot sexier. Regarding oral sex, pubs really mess that up, nothing worse then getting a hair in your mouth right in the middle of a women’s orgasm. I can not imagine a women not wanting oral sex. The only women that did not want it that I have met were just to shy and embarrassed to do it.
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Registered: 07-07-2007 Location: Greece
posted on 12-21-2007 at 22:24 |
I tend to agree with you that most men like 'hairless' women. But many don't. I feel for the poor men out there who love hairy women and are not getting them because of modern cultural pressures to be hairless. What do these men do? Will they start going with men to get their hair fix? Yugoslavians, for example, I have heard like their women with hairy legs and French men go for hairy armpits. Not everyone wants their woman to look like a New York glamour starlet. (And no, I'm not a lesbian).
I also don't agree that all women like to be given oral sex. I happen to know some that are put off by it. I myself am too sensitive down there to want to be given oral sex; it would just be too much stimulation, if you know what I mean.
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Registered: 08-01-2009 Location:
posted on 08-01-2009 at 11:19 |
i really dont care ethier way
i find women just as attractive whether they shave or not
i myself keep my hair trimmed but thats just how i like it
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Registered: 07-04-2011 Location:
posted on 07-04-2011 at 07:32 |
Of course shaving is the fashion now ... for both gilrs and boys ...
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Registered: 11-10-2011 Location: 6871 Ames Rd, Cleveland, OH 44129
posted on 11-14-2011 at 23:25 |
'I've heard that people shave their private area to make oral sex cleaner.
This is the most disgusting thing (next to anal sex) that I've ever heard of!
Do you drink pee? Would you put your mouth on a urinal?
Then why would you put your mouth where someone pees?
This is really disgusting for you to think like this. As a matter of fact when you are in love with that person you don't find anything disgusting....oral sex is a part of full fledged sex. And I worry your partner will never get satisfied with your such kinda attitude towards sexual activity.